See The World From Above
Spexi is the first-of-its-kind Fly-to-Earn drone imagery platform that rewards drone pilots for capturing aerial imagery.
But what kind of imagery will drone pilots be capturing? And why will it matter?
To answer the first question, let’s take a look at an image product produced by our software.

Click this link to open a new tab to interact with a pano taken by one of our team members here in Vancouver. Use your mouse or fingers to move around the image. You can even scroll up to view the horizon and see the downtown core in the distance.
Here’s How It Will Work
The Spexi platform will capture oblique and straight-down (nadir) imagery which can be used to create products like this interactive pano.
This is just one example of a data product that can be produced when applications like our enterprise SaaS platform, Spexigeo, ingest Spexi raw imagery.
On each flight a pilot flies, the Spexi app will automatically collect a variety of high-resolution images.
Images will be taken at an altitude of 300ft AGL (Above Ground Level) which is low enough for high-resolution images, but high enough that faces, license plates, and house numbers will not be recognizable.
There are three main aspects that when combined, will make the imagery collected by Spexi significantly more useful than traditional forms of aerial imagery:
Recency & Frequency — recently acquired data that are frequently updated. Data that is months or years old is used as a basic input in many business systems. Having recent data adds value by better representing the actual and current state of assets monitored.
Real — data is not post-processed giving a high-fidelity view of reality.
Resolution — high-resolution imagery (3cm) provides a level of detail over a large territory not before accessible or attainable by other means.
Aerial Imagery Use Cases
The imagery collected by pilots will be at or near 3cm resolution which means they can be used for a variety of purposes, many of which will be entirely new. Given that most aerial imagery today is largely out of date (in some cases years old) and of poor resolution, we expect a large number of new use cases to develop as people discover how much better the imagery Spexi produces will be.
Here are a few ways we expect people will use the imagery initially:
- Measuring heights, distances, and volumes.
- Change detection
- Inspecting physical assets
- Machine learning and computer vision model training
Industry use-case examples include:
- Insurance Underwriting
- Construction project monitoring
- Residential real-estate marketing and inventory monitoring
- Infrastructure and building inspections
- Wildfire prevention (forestry imaging + computer vision can be used to detect areas of dry tinder for example.)
- Natural resource monitoring & management
- Urban management and planning
And the list goes on.
If you found this post interesting, stay tuned!
We’ll be sharing more examples of the imagery our pilots will be collecting, new use cases and updates on the platform’s progress as time goes on.
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